Do You DYI?
We respect that. If you're looking to install a pool in your backyard, a DIY fiberglass pool may be a great option. Sunco Pools in Illinois can provide you with the necessary pool shell and expert guidance to ensure a successful installation. With a little bit of effort and some helpful tips, you can have a beautiful and functional pool in no time. The installation of a fiberglass pool does however come with challenges we would like to share with you before you make your final decision to take on this lofty task .

Since 2001 Sunco Pools has installed over 800 fiberglass swimming pools and we are asked many questions about Do It Yourself (DIY) fiberglass pool installations on a daily basis. The purpose of this article is to address many of these questions and also provide resources that can assist with the installation of your own fiberglass pool.If you’re just starting your research, you’re probably thinking: ‘Fiberglass pools are conceptually very easy to install. You just dig a hole and set it in….right?’ Well, yes but even though it may not be quite as simple as it seems at first glance, fiberglass pools are a perfect Do it Yourself project for anyone with basic excavation and plumbing experience…..and of course time.
This is a great question. Be careful not to get too excited after checking the initial price of the inground fiberglass pool shell. There are a lot of expenses that are not covered in that price which are discussed below. You want to be thorough on the front end so your budget doesn’t get obliterated by a surprise expense during the project. To answer the question of how much do you save, let’s look at an example. A fully installed inground fiberglass pool around 30′ long without any concrete patio would normally cost anywhere from $34k-$39k in our area. A DIY installation of the same fiberglass pool would probably equate to a savings of $6k-$10k.
You will need the equipment to complete the excavation, a crane to set the pool if needed, water to fill the pool, the backfill material, any necessary plumbing fittings and pipe, and the pool equipment if not included. Below is a very rough pricing guide to give you some concept of the expense of these items:
💧Equipment rental $2,000
💧Crane $400 – $800
💧Water (trucked in) $700 – $1,200
💧Backfill Material $1,000 – $2,000
💧Misc. Plumbing $700 – $1,200
💧Pool Equipment $1,500 – $2,000
The most common challenge associated with DIY fiberglass pool installations is getting the pool level. For a first timer, this can be a frustrating experience. The key is to stick with it until you get it right. One word of advice here: be careful to give yourself plenty of time for pool leveling. If you’re having water delivered, build in a couple extra hours before they arrive and budget some extra time for the crane to sit on site while you work on getting the pool level. Few things are more stressful than re-setting a pool over and over while everyone’s standing around waiting on you. These situations can lead you to compromise and settle for a pool that’s not as level as you would like. Don’t do it…you’ll kick yourself later. Another common challenge with straight wall pools is keeping those suckers straight. This requires constant monitoring as the pool is being filled and back fill material is being placed. As soon as you set the pool run a string line from corner to corner and keep it spot on until the pool is full. If the wall gets bowed in or out, the pool will probably be fine, but you’ll have to do some digging to get it straight again.
Before selecting a location for your new backyard paradise please consider the following factors:
💧Call J.U.L.I.E. or your local underground utility company!
💧Place a garden house in the yard to create a rough outline of where your new inground fiberglass pool will be located. Check for sun and shadows over the location to help determine the best pool placement.
💧Check with your local municipality for easements and permit restrictions. You may also have to check with your Home Owner Association (HOA) for any inground pool rules or restrictions that might affect your DIY project.
💧Verify sufficient access for construction equipment to excavate and back fill the pool. A minimum of 10 feet will be required. Please note that the fiberglass pool can be lifted over the home with a crane.
Contact John at We can set up an appointment for a chat. He loves to talk pools.